Datasheet TNY277 Equivalent ( PDF ) - Data

N.º Número de pieza Descripción Fabricantes Comprar ahora
1TNY277 Energy Efficient / Off-Line Switcher

TNY274-280 ® TinySwitch-III Family Product Highlights Energy Ef cient, Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range + + DC Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility Output Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Selectable current limit through BP, M capacitor value Wide-Range D - Higher current limit extends peak power or, in open HV DC Input EN, UV
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2TNY277G Energy Efficient / Off-Line Switcher

TNY274-280 ® TinySwitch-III Family Product Highlights Energy Ef cient, Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range + + DC Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility Output Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Selectable current limit through BP, M capacitor value Wide-Range D - Higher current limit extends peak power or, in open HV DC Input EN, UV
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3TNY277P Energy Efficient / Off-Line Switcher

TNY274-280 ® TinySwitch-III Family Product Highlights Energy Ef cient, Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range + + DC Lowest System Cost with Enhanced Flexibility Output Simple ON, OFF control, no loop compensation needed Selectable current limit through BP, M capacitor value Wide-Range D - Higher current limit extends peak power or, in open HV DC Input EN, UV
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4TNY277PG Energy-Efficient, Off-Line Switcher

TinySwitch-III incorporates a 700V power MOSFET, oscillator, high voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry. The IC family uses an ON/OFF control scheme and offers a design flexible solution with a low system cost and extended power capability.
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5TNY277PN Off-Line Switcher

TinySwitch incorporates a 700 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high-voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry.
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TNY Datasheet ( Hoja de datos ) - resultados coincidentes

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1 TNY174 Offline Switcher ( TNY174P, TNY174D )

TinySwitch-LT incorporates a 650 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high-voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry.
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2 TNY174PN Off-line Switcher

TinySwitch-LT Family Energy Ef cient, Of ine Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range.
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3 TNY175 Offline Switcher

TinySwitch incorporates a 650 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high-voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry.
Power Integrations
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4 TNY175DG Offline Switcher

TinySwitch-LT incorporates a 650 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high-voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry.
Power Integrations
Power Integrations
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5 TNY175PN Offline Switcher

TinySwitch-LT incorporates a 650 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high-voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry.
Power Integrations
Power Integrations
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6 TNY176 Offline Switcher

The IC family uses an ON/OFF control scheme and offers a design flexible solution with a low system cost and extended power capability.
Power Integrations
Power Integrations
datasheet TNY176 pdf
7 TNY176DG Energy Efficient, Offline Switcher

TinySwitch-LT incorporates a 650 V power MOSFET, oscillator, high-voltage switched current source, current limit (user selectable) and thermal shutdown circuitry.
Power Integrations
Power Integrations
datasheet TNY176DG pdf

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