Datasheet 2SK1016 Equivalent ( PDF ) - Mosfet

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12SK1016 Power MOSFET, Transistor

Fuji Electric
Fuji Electric
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22SK1016 N-Channel MOSFET Transistor

INCHANGE Semiconductor isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor DESCRIPTION ·Drain Current ID=15A@ TC=25℃ ·Drain Source Voltage- : VDSS=500V(Min) APPLICATIONS ·high voltage, high speed power switching isc Product Specification 2SK1016 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25℃) SYMBOL ARAMETER VALUE UNIT VDSS VGS ID Ptot Tj Tstg Drain-Source Voltage (VGS=0) 500 V Gate-Source Voltage ±30 V Drain Cur
Inchange Semiconductor
Inchange Semiconductor
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2SK Datasheet ( Hoja de datos ) - resultados coincidentes

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2 2SK0123 Silicon N-Channel Junction FET

Silicon Junction FETs (Small Signal) 2SK0123 (2SK123) Silicon N-Channel Junction FET For impedance conversion in low frequency For electret capacitor microphone s Features q High mutual conductance gm q Low noise voltage of NV 1 2 (0.95) (0.95) 1.9±0.1 2.90+0.20 0.05 10˚ Unit: mm 0.40+0.10 0.0
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3 2SK0198 Silicon N-Channel Junction FET

Silicon Junction FETs (Small Signal) 2SK0198 (2SK198) Silicon N-Channel Junction FET For low-frequency amplification 0.40+0.10 0.05 Unit: mm 0.16+0.10 0.06 s Features q High mutual conductance gm q Low noise type q Mini-type package, allowing downsizing of the sets and automatic insertion throu
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4 2SK0301 Silicon N-Channel Junction FET

Silicon Junction FETs (Small Signal) 2SK0301 (2SK301) Silicon N-Channel Junction FET For low-frequency amplification For switching 5.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 4.0±0.2 unit: mm I Features 13.5±0.5 G Low noies, high gain G High gate to drain voltage VGDO 0.45 0.1 +0.2 0.45 0.1 +0.2 I Absolute Maxi
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5 2SK0601 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET

Silicon MOS FETs (Small Signal) 2SK601 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET For switching unit: mm s Features q Low ON-resistance RDS(on) q High-speed switching q Allowing to be driven directly by CMOS and TTL q Mini-power type package, allowing downsizing of the sets and automatic insertion through the tape
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6 2SK0614 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET

Silicon MOS FETs (Small Signal) 2SK0614 (2SK614) Silicon N-Channel MOS FET For switching unit: mm I Features 5.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 0.7±0.1 0.7±0.2 12.9±0.5 G Low ON-resistance RDS(on) G High-speed switching G Allowing to be driven directly by CMOS and TTL I Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°
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Silicon MOS FETs (Small Signal) 2SK0615 (2SK615) Silicon N-Channel MOS FET For switching Unit: mm I Features 2.0±0.2 G Low ON-resistance G High-speed switching G Allowing to be driven directly by CMOS and TTL G M type package, allowing easy automatic and manual insertion as well as stand-alone
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