LM7805 Datasheet Search for PDF Files

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LM340, LM340A and LM7805 Family Wide VIN 1.5-A Fixed Voltage ...
The LM340 and LM7805 Family monolithic 3-terminal positive voltage regulators employ internal current- limiting, thermal shutdown and safe-area compensation, ...
Datasheet - L78 - Positive voltage regulator ICs
Oct 16, 2024 ... The L78 series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220,. TO-220FP, D²PAK and DPAK packages and several fixed output ...
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj=25ºC unless specified otherwise). VI=10V, IO=500mA. DESCRIPTION. SYMBOL. MIN TYP. MAX. UNIT. Output Voltage.
description/ordering information. This series of fixed-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide range of applications.
LM78XX/LM78XXA 3-Terminal 1A Positive Voltage Regulator
Electrical Characteristics (LM7805). Refer to the test circuits. -40°C < TJ < 125°C, IO = 500mA, VI = 10V, CI = 0.1µF, unless otherwise specified. Notes: 1 ...
LM7805 * LM7806 * LM7808 * LM7809 * LM7810 * LM7812 ...
Fairchild does not recommend operation outside datasheet specifica- tions. Electrical Characteristics (LM7805). (Refer to the test circuits. 40qC TJ 125qC, IO = ...
MC78XX/LM78XX/MC78XXA 3-Terminal 1A Positive Voltage ...
Parameter. Symbol. Conditions. MC7805/LM7805. Unit. Min. Typ. Max. Output Voltage. VO. TJ =+25 oC. 4.8. 5.0. 5.2. 5.0mA ≤ Io ≤ 1.0A, PO ≤ 15W. VI = 7V to 20V.
LM78XX, LM78XXA - 3-Terminal 1 A Positive Voltage Regulator
Electrical Characteristics (LM7805). Refer to the test circuit, -40°C < TJ < 125°C, IO = 500 mA, VI = 10 V, CI = 0.1 μF, unless otherwise specified. Notes: 2 ...
MC7800, MC7800A, MC7800AE, NCV7800
These voltage regulators are monolithic integrated circuits designed as fixed−voltage regulators for a wide variety of applications.
LM7847 ~ LM7824 1A Standard Positive Voltage Regulator
For LM7805 (VIN=10V, TJ = 25°C). LM7805. Symbol. Description. Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Test Conditions. 4.80 5.0 5.20. V. 5mA ≤IO≤1.0A. VO. Output Voltage. 4.75. -.
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Catagory Descripción Fabricantes
regulator1A Standard Positive Voltage Regulator

1A Standard Positive Voltage Regulator LM7847 ~ LM7824 1A Standard Positive Voltage Regulator General Description The LM78xx series is three terminal standard positive voltage regulator designed for a wide range of applications that required supply current up to 1A. TO-220 The LM78xx series is available in 10 fixed output voltage:4.7V,5V,6V,7V,8V,9V,10V, 12V,15V,18V and 24V. The LM78xx series provides internal current limiting, thermal shutdown protection and Safe-area operation compensa
regulatorThree Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator

INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Three Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator LM7805 FEATURES ·Output current in excess of 1.0A ·Output voltage of 5V ·Internal thermal overload protection ·Output transition Safe-Area compensation ·100% tested ·Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performance and reliable operation ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25℃) SYMBOL PARAMETER RATING UNIT Vi DC input voltage 35 V Io Output current Ptot Power dissipation internally limited internally limi
Inchange Semiconductor
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