1.5KE150CA Datasheet Search for PDF Files

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Catagory Descripción Fabricantes
diodeDiscrete POWER & Signal Technologies

1.5KE6.8(C)A - 1.5KE440(C)A Discrete POWER & Signal Technologies 1.5KE6.8(C)A - 1.5KE440(C)A Features Glass passivated junction. 1500W Peak Pulse Power capability at 1.0 ms. Excellent clamping capability. Low incremental surge resistance. Fast response time; typically less than 1.0 ps from 0 volts to BV for unidirectional and 5.0 ns for bidirectional. Typical IR less than 1.0 A above 10V. 1.0 min (25.4) Dimensions in inches (mm) 0.375 (9.525) 0.265 (6.731) DO-201AE COLOR BAND DENOTES
Fairchild Semiconductor
Fairchild Semiconductor

® 1.5KE6V8A, 440A 1.5KE6V8CA, 440CA TRANSILTM FEATURES PEAK PULSE POWER : 1500 W (10, 1000 s) BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE RANGE : From 6.8V to 440 V UNI AND BIDIRECTIONAL TYPES LOW CLAMPING FACTOR FAST RESPONSE TIME UL RECOGNIZED DESCRIPTION Transil diodes provide high overvoltage protection by clamping action. Their instantaneousresponse to transient overvoltages makes them particularly suited to protect voltage sensitive devices such as MOS Technology and low voltage supplied IC’s. CB429 ABSOLUTE
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