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1 LM75CIMX-3 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

LM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface January 2000 LM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG™ with Two-Wire Interface General Description The LM75 is a temperature sensor, Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter, and digital over-temperature detector with I2C ® interface. The host can query the LM75 at any time to read temperature. The open-dr
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor

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Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

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Electronic components

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1LM75CIMM-3Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

[ National Semiconductor ]
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM75CIMM-3 pdf
2LM75CIMM-5Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

[ National Semiconductor ]
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM75CIMM-5 pdf
3LM75CIMMX-3Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

[ National Semiconductor ]
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM75CIMMX-3 pdf
4LM75CIMMX-5Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

[ National Semiconductor ]
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM75CIMMX-5 pdf

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1LM75CIMX-3Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

LM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface January 2000 LM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG™ with Two-Wire Interface General Description The LM75
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM75CIMX-3 pdf
2LM75CIMX-5Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface

LM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG with Two-Wire Interface January 2000 LM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal WATCHDOG™ with Two-Wire Interface General Description The LM75
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM75CIMX-5 pdf

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Кремниевый эпитаксиальный планарный транзистор NPN для коммутации и усилителей частоты. Транзистор подразделяется на четыре группы: O, Y, G и L, в зависимости от его коэффициента усиления по постоянному току. В качестве дополнительного типа рекомендуется PNP-транзистор ST 2SA1015.

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