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PDF LM628N-6 Datasheet ( Hoja de datos )

N.º Número de pieza Descripción Fabricantes Catagory
1 LM628N-6 Precision Motion Controller

LM628, LM629 Precision Motion Controller November 1999 LM628, LM629 Precision Motion Controller General Description The LM628, LM629 are dedicated motion-control processors designed for use with a variety of DC and brushless DC servo motors, and other servomechanisms which provide a quadrature incremental position feedback signal. The parts perform the intensive, real-time computational tasks re
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor

LM628N-6 PDF Скачать

Precision Motion Controller

datasheet LM628N-6 download

Electronic components

N.º Número de pieza Descripción Fabricantes PDF
1LM628N-8Precision Motion Controller

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2LM628LM628/LM629 Precision Motion Controller (Rev. C)

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Рекомендуемые электронные компоненты

N.ºNúmero de piezaDescripciónFabricantesPDF
1LM628N-6Precision Motion Controller

LM628, LM629 Precision Motion Controller November 1999 LM628, LM629 Precision Motion Controller General Description The LM628, LM629 are dedicated motion-control processors designed for use with a v
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM628N-6 pdf
2LM628N-8Precision Motion Controller

LM628, LM629 Precision Motion Controller November 1999 LM628, LM629 Precision Motion Controller General Description The LM628, LM629 are dedicated motion-control processors designed for use with a v
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM628N-8 pdf

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Кремниевый эпитаксиальный планарный транзистор NPN для коммутации и усилителей частоты. Транзистор подразделяется на четыре группы: O, Y, G и L, в зависимости от его коэффициента усиления по постоянному току. В качестве дополнительного типа рекомендуется PNP-транзистор ST 2SA1015.

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