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1 LM615IN LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference

LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference December 1994 LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference General Description The comparators have an input range which extends to the negative supply and have open-collector outputs Improved over the LM139 series the input stages of the comparators have lateral PNP input transistors which enable low input currents for large differential input vo
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor

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LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference

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Electronic components

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2LM6152ACMXDual and Quad High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiers

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3LM6152ACNDual and Quad High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiers

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4LM6152BCMDual and Quad High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiers

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1LM615IMLM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference

LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference December 1994 LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference General Description The comparators have an input range which extends to the negative supp
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM615IM pdf
2LM615INLM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference

LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference December 1994 LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference General Description The comparators have an input range which extends to the negative supp
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
datasheet LM615IN pdf

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Кремниевый эпитаксиальный планарный транзистор NPN для коммутации и усилителей частоты. Транзистор подразделяется на четыре группы: O, Y, G и L, в зависимости от его коэффициента усиления по постоянному току. В качестве дополнительного типа рекомендуется PNP-транзистор ST 2SA1015.

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